• כלים לשירותך
  • עקבו אחרינו
  • כניסה לחשבון שלי
איגוד רופאי אף אוזן גרון ומנתחי ראש וצוואר בישראל
פרופ' דניאל קפלן

מזכיר מדעי:
ד"ר ערן עמנואל אלון

ד"ר ערן עמנואל אלון

ד"ר גרוס מנחם

חבר ועד:
ד"ר ארז בנדט, ד"ר אלכסנדר ברודסקי

חברי ועדת ביקורת:
ד"ר דוד אולנובסקי, ד"ר יואב יניב, ד"ר שי שניידר
IAOO 2023

Official Request to 

Israeli Society of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery
for IAOO 2023 Promotion

December 23, 2022

To whom it may concern,

Greetings from Korean Society of Head and Neck Surgery and we hope this email finds you well.

We are planning to host 9th World Congress of the International Academy of Oral Oncology (IAOO 2023), which will be held from November 1(Wed.) to 4(Sat.), 2023 at Grand Hyatt Incheon, Incheon, Korea. In this regard, we would like to ask for cooperation in forming a bilateral network between our host societies and other countries for developing the oral oncology field and promoting in your association or society the IAOO 2023 congress.

IAOO meeting’s goal is to bring together, a multi-disciplinary group of specialists from all over the world to present and exchange break-through ideas relating to the oral oncology filed. A global summit of head and neck surgeons, radiation and medical oncologists, maxillo-facial surgeons, otorhinolaryngologists and all other allied specialists in oral cancer are expected to gather and share their experience in applying advanced methods of treatment in the field of oral oncology, as well as valuable academic research and present original scientific works and cases.

As part of our efforts, we are seeking for the way to attract more variety colleagues from all around the world to IAOO 2023 than ever. There is no doubt that we are proud to present to our participants a truly international program with attractive, interesting and the latest issues. In addition, we are sure that you might feel like us the needs for the network to promote your own congresses in other countries and to develop your own professions much more internationally. Thus, we take this opportunity to lay down a foundation for academic network, so that you and we could promote congresses in the world and develop the field of oral oncology.

Congress Information:

ü Title: 9th World Congress of the International Academy of Oral Oncology (IAOO 2023)

ü Period: November 1st (Wed.) – 4th (Sat.), 2023

ü Format: In-person

ü Location: Grand Hyatt Incheon, Incheon, Korea

ü Official Language: English

ü Website: https://iaoo2023.com/

ü Hosted by:
- Korean Society of Head and Neck Surgery (KSHNS)
- Korean Society for Head and Neck Oncology (KSHNO)
- The Korean Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (KAOMS)
- Korean Society of Medical Oncology (KSMO)
- The Korean Society for Radiation Oncology (KOSRO)
- Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons (KSPRS)

ü Organized by:
- International Academy of Oral Oncology (IAOO)

To promote IAOO 2023 in your association or society, we would like to ask you to:

ü Upload the IAOO 2023 congress information on your website.

ü Upload the IAOO 2023 poster on your website. (*Attached)

ü Send the IAOO 2023 Newsletter to your association or society member. (*Attached)

We hope that you will be able to help us to further development in this field and please acknowledge the receipt of this letter by sending an email to IAOO 2023 congress secretariat

Thank you for your cooperation in advance and looking forward to your favorable response.

Best regards,

Se-Heon Kim, M.D., Ph D. Seung-Kuk Baek, M.D., Ph D.
Conference Chair, IAOO 2023 Director, Scientific Committee, IAOO 2023



9th World Congress International Academy of Oral Oncology

November 1 - 4 (Wed. - Sat.), 2023

Grand Hyatt Incheon, Korea


T. +82-2-6956-0620 l E. info@iaoo2023.com


H. https://iaoo2023.com/

ברוכים הבאים לאיגוד רופאי אף אוזן גרון ומנתחי ראש צוואר בישראל

חברי האיגוד מוזמנים להתעדכן בפעילות האיגוד, לעקוב אחר יומן האירועים, לשלם דמי חבר ועוד
כניסה לחברי האיגוד
הציבור מוזמן לקרוא מידע עדכני ואמין בתחום רפואת אף אוזן גרון וניתוחי ראש צוואר, להוריד טופסי הסכמה, לקרוא הנחיות קליניות וניירות עמדה ועוד
איני חבר/ת איגוד